Tuesday, June 10, 2008

When will the world say "Fuck You" to the United States?

As a U.S. citizen, I'm eager for the world to say "Fuck You" to our government. That's right. I love the people around me; in the majority, they are deeply decent people with kindness in their hearts.

However they are also deeply deluded by a cunningly arranged media organization more deceptive and deceitful than any in history.

Most people here in the U.S. are so busy paying for their extravagant lifestyle, promulgated by a corporate-subservient press, that they simply do not have the time to educate themselves in what their purported "leaders" are doing in their name, or what they are paying for with half their incomes and most of their childrens' incomes.

Americans are a nation of slaves to the debt currency system of the "Federal" Reserve Bank--a PRIVATE banking cartel falsely sold as a government entity serving the People, but in fact enriching a criminally over-compensated cabal of fat-cats and their evil overlords. As slaves, we have little time to attend to the workings of our mind-control masters over whom we supposedly exercise control. In fact, our corporate uber-lords tell us what to think, when, and how much via conduits such as Faux News and the Clinton News Network.

The last bastion of truly free exchange--under vicious attack now through vehicles such as the senate bill criminalizing dissident thought with the Orwellian name "
Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act"--is the Internet.

I wonder sometimes at the motives of the noble soul within DARPA who opened the bottle of the Internet genie; was he/she a saint? Yes, in my eyes. What greater gift than the modern equivalent of the Gutenberg press?

Returning to the subject of the post: I think, based on my reading of foreign blogs and economic news, that the world has long ago issued the long middle finger and the British two's-up to the United States.

Thank you for you moral stance; back it up by denying US corporations any money, by denying the US government any more loans of money it will never repay, by denying the US government any concessions in the United Nations (as farcical as that organization may be).

I am going on a trip to Europe with my wife soon. I'm eager to hear Europeans' opinions on the current world situation.

It saddens me that the world is undergoing a devolution to Statism and Tyranny again. I long for the downfall of authoritarianism everywhere, and the rise of individual righteousness, liberty, and dignity again.

I mourn for the one million-plus Iraqi civilians who have been killed in my name; I am ashamed and mortified, and I am doing everything I can short of jeopardizing my family to stop that killing. My moral peril is that I am too cowardly to do more, including jeopardy to my family--for if I were truly moral, that too would I imperil to stop this great evil done in my name.

The United States has become Nazi Germany over the last sixty years, and in fact has created more evil and destitution in this world then Hitler ever could have imagined. Let us hope that a righteous, indignant, and DECENT generation arises from the ashes of this modern Rome.

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