Monday, April 22, 2013

I’ve got it figured out….that is, WHY, in the face of so much public, admitted, frank, open, easy-to-access, incontrovertible evidence Amoricons insist on believing known liars of the gunvernment.

Because everyone likes a good story.

And they’ve been trained to like good stories. Every movie, every TV show–neatly lined up in the allotted 30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes to end with a satisfying narrative denouement.
The Good Guys Win; preferably with a clear-cut delineation between Good and Bad. Most literally portrayed in westerns like Gun Smoke, with the Bad Guy wearing a Black Hat and the Good Guy wearing a White Hat…in case you nodded off in a Schlitz drunk and woke up toward the end.

It’s so obvious that the doyen of the neocons, evil old Leo Strauss, propagated the idea of the Noble Lie to his protege’s…among them, Willy Clinton. Leo’s favorite show was Gun Smoke.

So here’s my epiphany:

Amoricons will continue to reject the truth in favor of good narratives. He’ll take the good story every time, over messy (and difficult to digest) truths.
My neighbor. CEO of a several hundred million dollar company. Late 40′s, early 50′s. Fairly smart guy, Jewish; not a pushover. Walked over to his house yesterday to let my kids play with his German Shepherd; first thing out of his mouth, 
“Hey didja hear? 9,000 of our guys and we got’em!”
“Got whom Mark?”
“Ya know, those terrorists in Boston!”
“Mark you believe that?”

His face fell. Clouds over his expression, from sunny child-like satisfaction to a dour expression. Because deep inside, he KNOWS he’s being had–but he WANTS to be had!
So I gave him a quick introduction; Mark, explain how 400 troops and 2000 cops missed the bomb sitting on the fucking curb by the finish line. Explain why at least a dozen obvious operatives (Craft, Seals 3 & 5) were walking around in civvy uniforms carrying the identical backpack. 

“C’mon, where have you been reading all that crap?”
“Mark, have you done any reading of your own? How can you call it crap when you’ve read nothing?”

Gave him a brief intro to false flags–Gulf of Tonkin, Gladio, Ajax, Northwoods.

“Yeah, that stuff might happen there but HERE, in AMERICA?”
“It can and does, Mark. We’re not so special; Germans thought they were pretty special too until 1945″

I don’t count on Mark inviting me over for dinner again any time soon.

Because I ruined the story.

It’s addictive, you see. The good story; the Good Guys, Our Team, how wonderful they are and by extension how wonderful We Are.  The collectivist's dream, glory reflected to the individual from the State, the Collective. So wonderful, in fact, they’ll purposely, diligently, carefully lie to themselves to maintain the illusion.
He didn’t ask questions. Just guffawed, c’mon, never here! Gotta go.