Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Scandinavian Cruise--if you have the means, I highly suggest you pick one up!

The title is bullshit. We don't have the "means", by modern American standards. In fact, we are in self-imposed poverty; our housing costs are about 1/5 of our income, putting us well below the average in our area. I just love saying that phrase because of Ferris Buellar's Day Off...my second-favorite movie next to Train Spotting.

My wife and I went on a Scandinavian cruise. If any of you men out there are reluctant to take a cruise, don't be; it's the best vacation there is. You'll relax on the deck by the pool, while eating sushi or nachos (whatever suits your fancy); you'll attend lectures by university professors (or not, whatever suits your fancy); you'll go on excursions to the various exotic loci the ship visits and tour their delights (or not, whatever suits your fancy).

Point is: great holiday. I learned more about history and culture in two weeks than in two years of high school; I guess that lends truth to the phrase "Youth is wasted on the young" since I ignored European history in high school.

BTW, Finland is awesome. What a progressive and free society....Google them with "site:wikipedia" to get the gist.

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