Friday, March 21, 2008

My OWN MOTHER is a Neocon Androidette!!! God Please Kill Me!

We immigrated to America from South Africa more than thirty years ago. I was a precocious seven at the time; aware that we were leaving and moving Somewhere Else.

My parents told me about where we were moving; my seven-year-old memory recalls that they told me we were moving to the Beach.

Well "beach" in my mind meant "Umhlanga Rocks", specifically the Cabana Beach Sun Hotel; God Bless Saul Kerzner, that South African real-estate magnate! I've gone there regularly since I was about four years old. The beach itself holds all the charms of a South African beach; for American readers, imagine the very best of the California coast as a Reader's Digest version, condensed into 1/10 the space but with all the beauty held intact.

So my young mind had high hopes for the Big Move To The Beach; Umhlanga Rocks, here we come!

My parents hyperbolated slightly. Our move was to drab brown Galveston Beach, Texas. In case no-one had added two and two: Galveston is west of the Mississippi delta. The Mississippi drains the middle 1/3 of the United States. This makes Louisiana the fecalith of the United States, the Gulf the swirling toilet bowl of American flushing, and Galveston the shit-spot left over when the detritus settles. Definitely Note Umhlanga Rocks.

7-year-olds are pretty resilient, and arriving in 1976 during the beginning of the bicentennial celebrations gave Galveston enough Ooomph that I overlooked the brown beaches and thought it was all really quite grand. A little hot, mind you.

Here I am thirty years later living in Houston, barely forty miles from where I landed three decades ago thousands of miles from "home". A child, a wife, a home, a career, a whole new citizenship...
plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose. We fled South African because at the time, my parents were worried about the Soviet proxy-infringement to the north, and the general political situation, aka apartheid. We came to America for its promise of Liberty, with a capital "L". I am grateful for the acceptance and welcome Americans gave me as a young South African then, and as a naturalized citizen today.

"Liberty" to me means the libertarian, Robert Nozick, Ludwig von Mises, F.A. Hayek, Freidman-at-his-best, Ayn-Randian "do unto others", and "do not unto others period" philosophy. That is: my freedom extends to the tip of your nose. I can do whatever I want, given that it does not interfere with your right to do the same. I am surmising from my many conversations with people I know that most people feel about the same--granted, most people are blissfully unaware of their Orwellian double-think in that they agree with the precept, but also think that People Shouldn't Be Allowed To...(fill in the blank for private behaviors).

30+ years later, I realize that American is Very Far Indeed from a libertarian paradise; in fact, we are one of the furthest from libertarian nations on Earth. In fact, we are a Fascist nation.

Now here's the rub: American people are not fascists if you question them individually. But if you ask them about their world view, if you ask them what America stands for or what "the law" should be, they are generally unable to reconcile what is human, or intuitively obvious about what "law" should be, from the myths we hold as a society. Most people are shocked/mortified/irritated...or oblivious and uncomprehending, when I'm frank about my beliefs regarding drug legalization, property ownership, taxes, imperialism, liberty, and a host of political subjects. I, in turn, am shocked at our collective IGNORANCE. When did we become so FUCKING STUPID????!!? Is it something in the water, perhaps all those bacterially-indigestable residues of fluoxetine (Prozax)? Is *everyone* on goddamn Xanax? Does nobody else see the shocking horror of what our national policy has been for sixty years? Does no-one else recognize that
Greece, Rome, England, and now American are all going down the same Imperialist path to national bankruptcy, corruption, and dissolution?

NO! Many people recognize it. More and more every day; join the class of the informed, the knowledgeable, the incorruptable, the truthful! I read dozens of blogs by well-informed, educated, and erudite people every day. Make it your duty as a human being to educate yourself.

But why?

Because most people are not sociopaths (unlike our "leaders"), and wish the best for everyone. As an American, you owe it to yourself and to your identity as an American to learn how the government you and I voted into office has systematically deceived you, manipulated you, experimented on you, and subjected you to classical Tavistockian mind control.

BBRRRING! The bell rang, Skinner-dogs! Drool for your masters, the politicians, the police, and their Banker Puppeteers!

Oh yeah and By The Way, my own mother who knew about the private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve, knew about the upcoming Police State of now intent on voting for Heil Hitler Junior, John McCain. Oh, how the mighty have fallen!

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