Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sick of Israel...Israel, Israel, Israel!

Like Jan...I'm just sick of hearing the slavish refrain "Israel, Israel, Israel" from OUR "elected leaders".

I put the latter in quotes because I'm not wholly convinced we *did* actually elect these shorts-stains who pretend to represent us; but let's assume we did for a moment. That would be the most dire indictment of the American populace, a people so oblivious and mind-controlled they
A) believed they had a choice
B) believed the "news" on the major channels
C) selected a "candidate" from those "choices"

But I digress; I'm ignoring the potential anti-semitic bombshell. No I'm not anti-semitic, nor am I pro-semitic. I'm just neutral, like I am about adherents of any religion. I've met fine and despicable people of all faiths.

But why do OUR "leaders" so slavishly support Israel? Oh yeah...because they're our "allies", in the all-important Middle East.

Here's what I did to shake myself of the Israel-Delusion: I Woke up. I Read a little about history. I Understand the fundamental precepts of our Constitution. And I came to see; "HEY! MEATHEAD! We are not supposed to be off adventuring in Imperialist-land acting like Mr. World Cop in Shiny Reflective Glasses and Bulletproof Vest with Tazer"; no, the people who starved, got shot, and generally acted like hooligans when they founded our country very wisely determined that adventurism abroad == (== is the C language symbol for "equals", not to be confused with "=" which implies assigning a value to something)...adventurism == "imperialism".

What? Is the United States, that shining city on a hill, the night of a thousand stars, an Imperialist dictatorship? Gosh no. Or maybe, hell yes. Actually more "hell yes". Did you know, Citizen, "Ihre Papieren, Bitte!", that we have a military presence in about 130 countries around the world? Did you vote for that? How do you like paying for it?

How do you like paying for the overthrow of legitimately elected leaders* in other countries? Yes we do it all the time, and Iraq was just the latest. Did I mention we put Saddam in power to begin with? Yes. Remember too: we funded, trained, and supported Osama bin Laden during the 1980-1990 Soviet/Afghanistan invasion! Yes, Osama was/is a CIA asset; here are some pointers, and if you dig you'll find many more from multiple independent sources:

Back again to "
Israel, Israel, Israel". Here's the deal: We are America. We are a sovereign nation; that is, we are our own highest authority, beholden to none, not even the gottverdammt United Nations. Our "leaders" (how that word has fallen!) are beholden to US, the "We the People" from the Constitution. They are our servants. Moreover, those same "leaders" are the servants of the Constitution, and (remember grade school?) "the Republic for which it stands."

Not Israel.

Now tell me: how do Israel's interests align with ours? Wait, before you inelegantly regurgitate (scenes from Bush I's visit to Japan) the mantras Faux News has formatted into your mental hard drive: pause for a moment, and ask yourself how many hundreds or thousands of dollars YOU PERSONALLY would pledge to helping Israel kick the crap out of some know-nothing neighbor? How much do you really care, in terms of your own wallet and in sacrifice of your own child's material needs, about that little dot on the map?

OK I have more. Take this little object lesson of Israel-favoritism and apply it to the other 129-odd countries in which we have a presence. How much do YOU care, to the detriment of your childrens' material needs, about those 129 countries? Was there a vote I missed?

Another quick side-trip: can anyone NAME those 130 countries in which we have a military presence? Where in the Constitution does it recommend policing them? When I backpacked through France and the UK in college, I wondered why they hated me just for being American. Well I'm not, I told them, I'm a South African who became an American citizen; they hated me more! Why? Because we are the new Imperialist, bigoted, fat, foul-mouthed bully on the block!

Yes--We're "That Guy", the bloviating, Dunlop-diseased** oaf who lumbers about in Shiny Sunglasses and Bulletproof Vest with Tazer beating everyone into submission. Of course we're hated world-wide. So were the National Socialists, aka the Nazis. We've become that which we despised.

Hate yourself yet, fellow American? Feeling a smidge ashamed? Me too. But I'm doing something about it; I'm expiating my guilt and shame by educating myself on the real truth behind our corrupt, power-hungry NeoCon Fascist government.

You can, too! The internet is the latest incarnation of the free press; use it before it's closed down and we have to wait for the Next Enlightenment.

* Among many others, the dirty little sociopaths in the CIA have participated in:'%C3%A9tat

** Dunlop's Disease: A condition in which one's panus, or belly, has "done lopped over" one's belt giving the appearance of a plumbing professional in profile.

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